Get started [bobaos]

Hello, friend.

I would like to introduce you bobaos-project, JavaScript library implementing KNX ObjectServer Protocol for KNX BAOS Module 838 kBerry.

The main purpose of project is to bring modern JavaScript with it’s infrastructure into KNX and world of BAOS.

If you want to just set, get, read datapoints then you probably should follow Installation guide from this page until step 5 and then go to bdsd.sock/bdsd-cli/bdsd.client instructions.


1] Prepare your Raspberry Pi: install raspbian, enable ssh.

2] Install KNX BAOS Module 838 kBerry shield.

3] Set up serial port

For Raspberry Pi 3:

sudo sh -c "echo dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt >>/boot/config.txt"

Open /boot/cmdline.txt and remove console=ttyAMA0,115200 from the file For Raspbian Jessie and newer the entry is console=serial0,115200

# Check the group of the device
ls -l /dev/ttyAMA0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 204, 64 Aug  4 11:33 /dev/ttyAMA0
sudo usermod -a -G dialout pi

4] Install nodejs, git

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs git

5] Now you may test your installation with bdsd-sock and bdsd-cli.

Using with your application

Add this module to your nodejs application:

npm install --save bobaos

Define in js file:

const Baos = require('bobaos');
const app = new Baos({serialPort: {device: '/dev/ttyAMA0'}, debug: false});

// send requests after successful initial reset
app.on('open', () => {
  // get server item
    .getServerItem(1, 17)
    .then(data => {
      console.log('got server item 1-17', data);
    .catch(e => {
      console.log('err', e);
    .getServerItem(17, 20)
    .then(data => {
      console.log('got server item 17-20', data);
    .catch(e => {
      console.log('err', e);

  // now get datapoint description
    .getDatapointDescription(1, 30)
    .then(data => {
      console.log('got datapoint description 1-30', data);
    .catch(data => {
      console.log('err while getting datapoint description 1-30', data);
  // in my case it returns error cause no datapoints was configured
    .getDatapointDescription(349, 10)
    .then(data => {
      console.log('got datapoint description 349-359', data);
    .catch(data => {
      console.log('err while getting datapoint description 349-359', data);

// listen to reset event
app.on('reset', _ => {
  console.log('got reset indication');

// listen to indication events
app.on('DatapointValue.Ind', data => {
  console.log('got datapoint value indication: ', data);

app.on('ServerItem.Ind', data => {
  console.log('got server item indication: ', data);

For more details look at example/ folder.

The values in request/response are buffers and you should use some library to decode/encode values. I suggest knx-dpts-baos.


The communication between Host(RPi) and ObjectServer(Baos module) in this module version implemented in request-response model. Requests are sent by following methods and returns Promise instance, so you are able to use Promise API.

Currently, this module supports following methods:

getServerItem(id, [number = 1])

Get server information like hardware/firmware version, serial number, bus connected state, etc.

Request example:

// set programming mode to true
  .getServerItem(1, 17)
  .then(data => {
    console.log('get server item 1-17: success', data);
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('get server item 1-17: error', err);

Response example:

[ { id: 1, length: 6, value: <Buffer 00 00 c5 08 00 03> },
 { id: 2, length: 1, value: <Buffer 10> },
 { id: 3, length: 1, value: <Buffer 12> },
 { id: 4, length: 2, value: <Buffer 00 c5> },
 { id: 5, length: 2, value: <Buffer 00 c5> },
 { id: 6, length: 2, value: <Buffer 08 05> },
 { id: 7, length: 1, value: <Buffer 10> },
 { id: 8, length: 6, value: <Buffer 00 c5 01 01 76 b7> },
 { id: 9, length: 4, value: <Buffer 04 9a c1 ee> },
 { id: 10, length: 1, value: <Buffer 01> },
 { id: 11, length: 2, value: <Buffer 00 fa> },
 { id: 12, length: 2, value: <Buffer 00 00> },
 { id: 13, length: 1, value: <Buffer 01> },
 { id: 14, length: 2, value: <Buffer 00 fa> },
 { id: 15, length: 1, value: <Buffer 00> },
 { id: 16, length: 1, value: <Buffer 20> },
 { id: 17, length: 1, value: <Buffer 01> } ]

setServerItem(id, value)

Set server item value. Value param should be instance of Buffer.


// set programming mode to true
  .setServerItem(15, Buffer.alloc(1, 0x01))
  .then(_ => {
    console.log('set programming mode: success');
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('set programming mode: error', err);

getDatapointDescription(id, [number = 1])

Get description for datapoints. Response includes value type(length), config flags, datapoint type.

Request example:

// set programming mode to true
  .getDatapointDescription(1, 3)
  .then(data => {
    console.log('get datapoint description 1 - 3: success', data);
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('get datapoint description 1 - 3: error', err);

Response example:

[ { id: 1, length: 2, flags: { priority: "low", communication: true, read: true, write: false, readOnInit: false, transmit: true, update: true }, dpt: 'dpt9' },
{ id: 2, length: 1, flags: { priority: "low", communication: true, read: true, write: false, readOnInit: false, transmit: true, update: true}, dpt: 'dpt5' },
{ id: 3, length: 1, flags: { priority: "low", communication: true, read: true, write: false, readOnInit: false, transmit: true, update: true}, dpt: 'dpt5' } ]

setDatapointValue(id, value)

Set and send datapoint value to bus. Value should be Buffer encoded.


// set programming mode to true
  .setDatapointValue(1, Buffer.alloc(1, 0x01))
  .then(_ => {
    console.log('set datapoint 1 value: success');
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('set datapoint 1 value: error', err);

readDatapointFromBus(id, length)

Send read request to KNX bus.


// set programming mode to true
  .readDatapointFromBus(1, 1)
  .then(_ => {
    console.log('read datapoint 1 from bus: success');
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('read datapoint 1 from bus: error', err);

getDatapointValue(id, [number = 1])

Get datapoints value from baos.

Response example:

[ { id: 1, state: { transmissionStatus: "Idle/OK", readRequestFlag: false, updateFlag: false, validFlag: false }, length: 2, value: <Buffer 0c fb> },
 { id: 2, state: { transmissionStatus: "Idle/OK", readRequestFlag: false, updateFlag: false, validFlag: false }, length: 1, value: <Buffer c0> },
 { id: 3, state: { transmissionStatus: "Idle/OK", readRequestFlag: false, updateFlag: false, validFlag: false }, length: 1, value: <Buffer 10> },
 { id: 4, state: { transmissionStatus: "Idle/OK", readRequestFlag: false, updateFlag: false, validFlag: false }, length: 1, value: <Buffer 00> } ]

getParameterByte(id, [number = 1])

Get parameter bytes starting with id number.

Request example:

// set programming mode to true
  .getParameterByte(1, 10)
  .then(data => {
    console.log('get parameter byte 1 - 10: success', data);
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('get parameter byte 1 - 10: error', err);

Response example:

<Buffer 01 03 05 07 09 0b 0a 00 00 00>

Useful cases

  1. DIY home controller.
    • write your own scripts in JS
    • use rich npm infrastructure to integrate with different services
  2. As a gateway to other systems. For example, you may use it with homebridge to add HomeKit support to your KNX bus.

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