Nodejs apps [bdsd.client]

To work with KNX datapoints from nodejs application you may use this module

Installation and usage

In terminal:

npm install --save bdsd.client

In js file:

const BdsdClient = require('bdsd.client');

// BdsdClient function accepts socket filename as an argument.
// If no argument provided then it will try to connect to following file:
// process.env['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] + '/bdsd.sock'. Usually it is /run/user/1000/bdsd.sock.
let myClient = BdsdClient();

// Register listener for broadcasted values
myClient.on('value', data => {
  console.log('broadcasted value', data);

// Listener for connected event.
// Triggers when client connects and receive 'bus connected' notification
myClient.on('connect', _ => {
  console.log('client connected');

  // get list of all datapoints

  // get description for one dp

  // get datapoint value

  // send read request to bus

  // set datapoint value and send to bus
    .setValue(1, true)

  // set programming mode to 1

  // get stored value from bdsd.sock(avoid communication via serialport)

  // read multiple values
    .readValues([1, 2, 3])

  // set multiple values
    .setValues([{id: 1, value: true}, {id: 2, value: 1}])

// error handling
myClient.on('error', err => {

API reference

All API is Promise-based. If request was successful then you will get payload as a parameter of callback function.

For getDatapoints method you should receive array of all datapoints:

[ { id: 1,
    length: 2,
     { priority: 'low',
       communication: true,
       read: true,
       write: true,
       readOnInit: false,
       transmit: true,
       update: false },
    dpt: 'dpt9' },
  { id: 2,
    length: 1,
     { priority: 'low',
       communication: true,
       read: false,
       write: true,
       readOnInit: false,
       transmit: true,
       update: false },
    dpt: 'dpt5' } ]

For getDescription you will receive description of specified datapoint

{ id: 1,
   { id: 1,
     dpt: 'dpt9',
      { priority: 'low',
        communication: true,
        read: true,
        write: true,
        readOnInit: false,
        transmit: true,
        update: false },
     length: 2 } }

For getValue/getStoredValue you will receive object with fields id and value

{ id: 999,
  value: 'Hello, friend',
   { type: 'Buffer',
     data: [ 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 102, 114, 105, 101, 110, 100, 0 ] } }

For setValue/readValue you will receive object with field id

{ id: 1}

setProgramming mode callback your function without data

readValues accepts array of datapoints. It will send only one request to BAOS module and BAOS will send multiple read requests to KNX bus.

setValues accepts array of objects: [{id: 1, value: true}, {id: 2, value: 23.5}]

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