# Introduction ## What is bobaos? If you are familiar [KNX/EIB](https://knx.org) then you may read following and look deeper in this documentation. If not, this may not be suitable for you. If you still want to learn, you are welcome =) We have been working with KNX for 5 long years and always wondered if there is communication solutions to control knx values outside of bus. We've been working with some of them but sometimes they are too expensive, sometimes they do not suit your needs. So, when we got [Weinzierl KNX BAOS 838 module kBerry](https://weinzierl.de/index.php/en/all-knx/knx-module-en/knx-baos-module-838-en) I put a lot of efforts to discover and implement [ObjectServer Binary Protocol](https://weinzierl.de/images/download/development/830/KnxBAOS_Protocol_v2.pdf) and in the end was able to successfully communicate with KNX bus over UART. ## Do you need it? If you are looking for great solution that will allow you to control your KNX datapoints over UART then you do. If you are looking for great solution to implement own devices with KNX bus connection then you do. If you are looking for KNXNet/IP router then you don't need it at all. Check [knx.js](https://bitbucket.org/ekarak/knx.js) project. I use it in my projects too. ## Credits First of all, we want to say big thanks to [Weinzierl team](https://weinzierl.de) for great hardware and ObjectServer protocol. In second, big thanks to the whole opensource community. And, finally, to all people who participated in IT history since ancient ages. ## Support me You can send me a beer by PayPal [![](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif)](https://paypal.me/shabunin)